
Join us on Sundays at 11 a.m. for worship! Come as you are and get to know a caring and welcoming community.

We are at 15th & Payne and on FaceBook. Click on the link below to get acquainted with our space. 

Can’t make it to our in–person service? Check out our FaceBook page for a livestream of Sunday service.

Here’s what you can expect from our Sunday Service: 

A warm welcome from caring people
Meaningful prayer meant to connect with the Divine
A responsive reading so that all may participate
Beautiful music, including old hymns and new favorites
An uplifting and challenging message to draw us closer to God
A great recharge for the week ahead! 


Children are a vital part of our worship service and serve as acolytes to bring the light of Christ into our sanctuary and to lead us out of the sanctuary with the light of Christ to guide us. We have a Children’s moment toward the beginning of service; children may exit to Children’s Church after that or return to their seat. The video below directs you to the Children’s Church room.

Statement of Inclusion

All persons are individuals of sacred worth. We affirm Jesus’ example of love without reservation, and covenant to deal compassionately and justly with each other. Therefore, Woodland UMC welcomes all persons of any age, gender, race, ethnic origin, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, diverse ability or social standing as full participants in the life and work of the church devoted to the reconciliation of all persons as children of God.